Think carefully before securing other debts against your home.
John Mills T/A Mills & Anderson 8a Broomfield Lane Hale Cheshire WA15 9AQ. John Mills Trading as Mills and Anderson is an Appointed Representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network. PRIMIS Mortgage Network is a trading name of First Complete Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for mortgages, protection insurance and general insurance products. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some forms of Buy to Let.
This article (Equity Release Schemes) is intended to provide a general appreciation of the topic and it is not advice.
Guidance should be sought from a specialist who is qualified to advise in your specific circumstances.
For more information on this aspect of "mortgages - what you need to know", please contact Mills & Anderson on 0161 929 8668 or email us at info@amtpfs.com. We will be happy to assist you.
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Lifetime Mortgages and Home Reversion Plans are referred to a 3rd party. Mills & Anderson and First Complete Ltd are not responsible for any advice received from this 3rd party.
What is a lifetime mortgage?
Lifetime Mortgages are currently popular for homeowners over 60 to unlock some of the value in their homes. Thousands of people in the UK already choose this method to supplement their retirement income, and the figure is set to rise dramatically over the next few years.
A lifetime mortgage is a way of borrowing a set amount of money against the value of your home, in the form of a long-term loan, and without the need to move. You continue to own your own home, for the duration of the plan and as long as you are living in it - you'll also be responsible for keeping your home in good repair.The loan is paid back using the proceeds from the eventual sale of your property. This is usually when you die or have moved into permanent long-term care.
The money released can be used for whatever you wish (so long as any outstanding mortgage has been paid off). You should be aware that taking out a lifetime mortgage could reduce your eligibility to means-tested benefits and could affect your tax position.
Also, as the interest is added to the loan, there may be no value left in your home at the end of the plan. Taking out a lifetime mortgage may also reduce the options that you have for moving or selling your home. You should talk to your Financial Adviser and/or solicitor about this if you're at all unsure.
Home Reversion Plans
With these types of plans you sell your entire home, or a proportion of it, to an investment company. While you no longer fully own your home, you continue to live there as a tenant for the rest of your life. You will live in your home rent-free, or you may have to pay a nominal rent, perhaps £1 a month. If a scheme is purchased jointly, both partners have the right to live in the house for the rest of their lives, even if one partner should die. You can choose to receive a cash lump sum, or a monthly annuity income, or both. When you take out a home reversion plan you will not receive the full 'market value' of the property, but a percentage of it according to your age and sex. The older you are the more you will get, and men will get more than women because of their lower life expectancies. When the property is sold on your death, the investment company receives a share of the proceeds, in proportion to the amount of the property you sold to them. If you sold them the whole property they will get all of the proceeds, or if you sold them a 75 per cent share of your home they will receive 75 per cent of money resulting from the sale.
Remember that if you sell all of your home, and it becomes more valuable in the future, the increase in value will benefit only the investment company. If you retain a share, your estate will benefit from part of any increase in the value of your home.
Before you think about a equity release, you should also consider your other options -moving to a smaller property or one of a lower value will give you the maximum value from your home. You may also have other savings and assets that could help fund your retirement.
Equity Release Schemes may affect your eligibility to means tested benefits. Equity release products involve borrowing against or selling all or part of your home. There may be more suitable methods of raising the funds you need. Equity release schemes may work out more expensive in the long term than downsizing to a smaller property.
These are lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans. To understand their features and risks ask for a personalised illustration from the 3rd party.